Adam Rogalski

Open Letter to IG Michael Horowitz and SSA Jason LeBeau on Transparency and Communication in McDonald’s Case

This open letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Senior Special Agent Jason LeBeau outlines urgent concerns regarding the McDonald’s Corporation case. It addresses the critical need for transparency and direct communication within the investigation, while announcing future discussions on the money laundering aspects of the case. The letter highlights efforts to engage with key stakeholders and the DOJ, seeking to establish effective legal pathways for ongoing dialogue and disclosure.
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3 min read
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Open Letter to French Foreign Office Minister Catherine Colonna, French Ambassador to China Bertrand Lortholary, Consul General Guillaume Roy, forwarded to Ambassador Burns and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland

Open Letter to French Foreign Office Minister Catherine Colonna, French Ambassador to China Bertrand Lortholary, Consul General Guillaume Roy. I asked Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski to forward the communication to Ambassador Burns and to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.
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1 min read
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LinkedIn post to Nicolai Tangen, Chief Executive Officer at Norges Bank Investment Management

LinkedIn post to Nicolai Tangen. NBIM’s CEO is given one example of fraud committed by McDonald’s. It’s the same example I gave to New York Times journalist Constant Méheut
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3 min read
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Money laundering, 18 U.S.C. § 1957. Formal notice sent to Neuberger Berman’s CEO Mr. George Walker regarding McDonald’s Corporation

Formal notice sent to Neuberger Berman’s CEO Mr. George Walker regarding McDonald’s Corporation. Money laundering as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1957.
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2 min read
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Email to Adam Rogalski and Mahonri Manjarrez regarding the phone call incident to the FBI

Email to Adam Rogalski and Mahonri Manjarrez regarding the incident about the phone call to the FBI.
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3 min read
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Inquiry on Communication with the Legat Office of the United States Embassy in Beijing

I reach out to my lawyer, Mr. Edward Lehman, seeking an update on his attempts to communicate with Mr. Rogalski or representatives of the Legat Office of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. With a tone of anticipation and a hint of concern, I inquire whether they have been responsive or if our efforts are being overlooked. The postscript serves as a direct acknowledgment that Mr. Rogalski is in the loop, subtly underlining the expectation of a reply or an acknowledgment of our ongoing correspondence.
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1 min read
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Exposing McDonald’s “1 in 4” Mass-Marketing Frauds: A Statistical Analysis

In one of my analysis, I uncover the truth behind McDonald’s “1 in 4” odds in their Monopoly sweepstakes. Through a binomial distribution approach, I demonstrate the vast disparity between the claimed and actual probabilities of winning, with real odds ranging from 1 in 1,000 to a staggering 1 in 10 billion. This investigation highlights a systematic pattern of mass-marketing fraud within McDonald’s promotions. I call for immediate action from the U.S. Department of Justice to address these criminal practices that significantly skew market competition and defraud consumers worldwide.
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4 min read
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Clarifying Probabilities to the FBI: Simple Probability vs. Binomial Distribution Probability

In my correspondence with the FBI, I elucidate the critical distinctions between simple probability and binomial distribution probability, highlighting the substantial implications these differences have in the context of this mass-marketing fraud case affecting many countries around the world. I argue that without explicit clarification, consumers, including minors, were inevitably defrauded by the criminal practices of the corporate predator that McDonald’s Corporation is. This fraudulent misrepresentation of chances of winning as simple probability, when they are in fact outcomes of a complex binomial probability, underscores my appeal for witness protection in the face of such powerful entities operating akin to a crime syndicate.
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3 min read
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Navigating Bureaucratic Challenges in SEC Whistleblower Case

In my email to the FBI, I convey my frustrations over the bureaucratic process I’ve encountered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). I discuss how my Freedom of Information Act request was altered into a Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act request, creating a perplexing situation regarding access to my own report submitted in 2015
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5 min read
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FOIA/PA Requesting Transparency and Information from the FBI

In my email to Messrs. Manjarrez and Rogalski, I express my challenges in submitting a Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI due to citizenship verification issues. I question the apparent barriers faced by foreigners in accessing information under the Privacy Act of 1974. This frustration is compounded by my concern over the lack of response from the SEC since November 2022. I emphasize the importance of transparency in my case, which involves allegations against McDonald’s Corporation and a criminal complaint filed by the former French Minister of Justice. I highlight my previous attempts to alert the FBI in 2015 and my recent efforts to reach out again after learning of the complaint against me. My request seeks all information the FBI may have about me and my case. This email underscores my persistent pursuit of clarity and my rights as a victim in an international legal context.
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4 min read
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Please make sure the MARKET INTEGRITY AND MAJOR FRAUDS UNIT is notified

In my email to Mr. Adam Rogalski at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, I stress the importance of notifying the Market Integrity and Major Frauds Unit about McDonald’s Corporation’s misconduct. I reference the unit’s collaboration with regulatory partners like the SEC, emphasizing a similar approach I suggested to the FBI in 2015. My correspondence includes links to a transcript and a YouTube video of a previous call with the FBI, where I discussed the potential for joint investigation under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. I argue for a coordinated effort between the SEC and FBI to investigate McDonald’s, underscoring the gravity of the situation. This email reflects my persistent efforts to seek justice and accountability in a case with significant legal and economic implications.
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4 min read
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Seeking Urgent FBI Response in Organized Crime Case

In my email to Mr. Edward Lehman, I urgently request his assistance in contacting Mr. Adam Rogalski for vital details about the FBI’s racketeering investigation. I seek to know the lead agent, the case number, and how to contact the FBI Victim Specialist. My message underscores years of striving for justice against white-collar, financial, organized crime, emphasizing the need for a prompt response from the U.S. Justice Department.
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2 min read
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Addressing Money Laundering in McDonald’s Investigation

In my communication with Mr. Rogalski from the FBI, I suggest a focus on money laundering as an entry point into the McDonald’s investigation, acknowledging the complexity of probabilities involved in the case. I share my ongoing research efforts and draw parallels between McDonald’s alleged activities and those of known fraudster Lance Armstrong, to illustrate the potential scale of deceit. My plea for transparency and information—specifically regarding the lead agent, case number, and FBI Victim Specialist—is a clear call for updates and support as I navigate through the intertwining legal and financial ramifications that this case presents.
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3 min read
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Unveiling Fraudulent Probability Claims in McDonald’s France 2011 Promotion

In my correspondence with Mr. Rogalski at the FBI, I underscore the importance of understanding McDonald’s fraudulent probability claims in France during 2011. I argue that their statement of “1 chance out of 4” to win instantly must logically refer to each individual game stamp as an attempt, not a set of stamps. By leveraging the axiom of extension from set theory, I demonstrate that the differing number of game stamps offered with various menu options necessitates this interpretation of attempts. My email is a crucial clarification for the investigation, highlighting McDonald’s lack of transparency and the need for the FBI to recognize the underlying deceit in their criminal practices.
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3 min read
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60 Million Consumers: Addressing the Scale of McDonald’s Frauds

In my communication with the FBI, I discuss the immense scale of McDonald’s global consumer base, highlighting the potential for significant financial impact from even minor price manipulations. I contemplate the temptation for McDonald’s to cross legal boundaries for profit, especially given their daily interaction with 60 million consumers worldwide. The prospect of gaining just an additional quarter per customer translates to substantial annual revenue, underscoring the possible motivations behind their fraudulent activities, including the McDonald’s Monopoly sweepstakes. I hint at ongoing serious infractions by McDonald’s France that could greatly influence the market and competition. My focus remains on the Monopoly sweepstakes frauds, with an urgent call to consider a RICO indictment against McDonald’s. This email aims to shed light on the magnitude of potential corporate wrongdoing and the need for decisive legal action.
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2 min read
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An Example of Fraud Committed by McDonald’s in China: Part 3

In part 3, I share an analogy to illustrate the mass-marketing fraud McDonald’s committed in China, hoping it clarifies the situation’s obviousness. Given that China ratified the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC, also known as the Palermo Convention) on September 23, 2003, I believe the country should be part of the international effort to take down the transnational criminal enterprise orchestrated by McDonald’s Corporation.
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An Example of Fraud Committed by McDonald’s in China: Part 2

An Example of Fraud Committed by McDonald’s in China: Part 2
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3 min read
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An Example of Fraud Committed by McDonald’s in China: Part 1

An Example of Fraud Committed by McDonald’s in China: Part 1
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I tell the FBI that I want to help them understand one of the biggest frauds in history, the frauds committed by McDonald’s Corporation and their accomplices

I tell Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski, one of the FBI representatives in Beijing, that I want to help him, and by extension the FBI, to understand one of the biggest frauds in history.
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1 min read
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Correcting Probability Misconceptions in McDonald’s Promotion: An FBI Briefing

In my communication with the FBI, I dissect a Business Insider article to clarify the misconceptions surrounding McDonald’s Monopoly promotion probabilities. I emphasize the critical difference between the number of instant-win elements and total sets, a distinction that dramatically affects the perceived odds of winning. My analysis reveals that the actual chance of securing a prize is closer to 1 in 8, not the widely marketed 1 in 4. This significant disparity points to a mass-marketing fraud campaign by a major corporation, one that even children are expected to navigate. I urge for this nuanced understanding of odds calculation to be recognized and corrected, highlighting the intricate fraudulence at play and the need for meticulous scrutiny.
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6 min read
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Clarifying Probability Concepts for the FBI Investigation : the difference between “the probability of a certain scenario happening,” Bernoulli trials, and Binomial distributions

In my recent email to the FBI, I stress the importance of understanding key probability concepts—specifically, the difference between “the probability of a certain scenario happening,” Bernoulli trials, and Binomial distributions. This distinction is vital in dissecting the fraudulent activities of McDonald’s in their Monopoly sweepstakes. I reference a flawed article by journalist Walter Hickey to illustrate common misconceptions, while also highlighting the accurate definition of probability as given by David Morin from Harvard University. My expectation is that FBI and Justice Department agents not only grasp the fundamental concept of probability, but also recognize the impact of the number of trials in a Binomial distribution on the outcome. This understanding is crucial for unraveling the complexities of the case at hand.
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4 min read
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Explaining Set Theory’s Core Concepts to the FBI: Element vs. Set

In my email to the FBI, I aim to shed light on the set theory and its pertinence to the FBI’s investigation of McDonald’s Corporation’s criminal activities. I express urgency for the FBI and the Justice Department to grasp the nuanced distinction between an element and a set, a foundational concept that underpins the sophisticated mechanics of the crimes in question. Amidst my call for clarity and action, I also convey my anticipation for a response regarding the lead investigator of the racketeering case, hinting at the necessity to involve oversight agencies should the silence persist. My message underscores the critical need for understanding mathematical principles in unraveling the intricacies of the serious crimes committed by the transnational crimal entity McDonald’s Corporation.
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4 min read
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Is McDonald’s Too Big To Fail? Questioning the Impunity of a Corporate Giant

In my correspondence with the FBI, I confront a pressing question: “Is McDonald’s Corporation too big to fail?” I question the U.S. government’s resolve in tackling the crimes committed by one of the world’s largest corporations. My email seeks to understand the progress of the investigation and Mr. Rogalski’s involvement. I offer to clarify any complexities he might face and urge for a response. This message is a direct appeal for action and transparency, aiming to shed light on the potential impunity of a corporate giant and the need for accountability in the face of significant global implications.
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1 min read
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Asserting My Innocence Amidst Legal Challenges

In my communication with my lawyer, Edward Lehman, I address the daunting situation of being sued by Nicole Belloubet, the former French Minister of Justice. Despite the gravity of the situation, I maintain my innocence and express hope that my lawyer believes in me. The email reflects my frustration with the French administration, which I openly criticize. This message is a candid expression of my feelings towards the legal challenges I am facing, and a reaffirmation of my efforts to seek help and warn about potential injustices. My intention is to convey the seriousness of my situation while standing firm in my belief of innocence.
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1 min read
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Highlighting Money Laundering and Fraud in Major RICO Case

In my email to Mr. Adam Rogalski, I address significant concerns about money laundering and fraud within McDonald’s Corporation, particularly emphasizing the roles of Malcolm Hicks and Steve Easterbrook. I point out the clear violation of the European Directive 2005/29/CE by McDonald’s, focusing on the deceptive practices in their promotions across different countries. This message to the FBI calls for an urgent and thorough investigation into these serious allegations, underscoring the necessity of immediate action and accountability for what I describe as clear instances of organized crime within a major RICO framework. My correspondence is a demand for justice and a comprehensive response from legal and governmental authorities in the face of these substantial allegations.
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6 min read
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Navigating the Complexities of McDonald’s Fraudulent Instant-Win Claims

In my correspondence with the FBI, I delve into the intricate details of McDonald’s Corporation’s fraudulent claims in their Monopoly sweepstakes. I express my concerns regarding the fraudulent nature of the game’s probability calculations, particularly the assertion of having “1 chance out of 4” to win. I argue that, in reality, the odds were closer to “1 chance out of 8,” a figure never stated by the corporation. My goal is to demonstrate the fraud in their probability claims and to clarify the real chances of winning based on a single game stamp. I urge Mr. Rogalski (State Department/FBI) to ensure the FBI is aware of these issues, as they have ramifications in numerous countries. I urge the FBI to alert INTERPOL. This email is an attempt to unravel the complexities of the situation, seeking clarity and accountability in one of the largest fraud cases in history.
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6 min read
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Unmasking McDonald’s: The Lance Armstrong of Fast Food

In an email I sent to the FBI, I draw a stark comparison between McDonald’s Corporation and disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong. This page reveals my insights on how small, criminally obtained advantages, when systematically exploited, can lead to substantial and unfair dominance in the business world. My analogy strikingly positions McDonald’s marketing tactics alongside Armstrong’s infamous career, offering a unique perspective on the deceptive and illegal strategies that underlie the success of this global fast-food leader.
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2 min read
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Crucial Evidence: Gloria Santona’s Contact in 2016 Revealed

In my email to Mr. Rogalski, I provide critical evidence of Gloria Santona’s contact with me in 2016. The attached screenshots reveal her following me on Twitter, opening a direct communication channel through DM. This interaction suggests McDonald’s awareness of the frauds. I urge the FBI to acknowledge receipt and identify the lead agent for the criminal investigation into the racketeering enterprise. The silence from law enforcement is disconcerting, and I seek clarity on these serious allegations.
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6 min read
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In the United States, did the McDonald’s Monopoly Sweepstakes constitute an illegal lottery?

In my correspondence with Mr. Adam Rogalski, Assistant Legal Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, I delve into my longstanding belief that the U.S. version of the McDonald’s Monopoly sweepstakes constitutes an illegal lottery. Citing a detailed explanation on a website, I argue that the promotion’s claim of “NO PURCHASE NECESSARY” is misleading, as statistical analysis suggests that participating without a purchase might be more costly than the prizes offered. Additionally, I challenge the assertion that “PURCHASE WILL NOT IMPROVE CHANCES OF WINNING.” I propose that, theoretically, a wealthy enough individual could secure all prizes by purchasing all game stamps, thereby guaranteeing victory, which contradicts McDonald’s claim. These inconsistencies, I believe, point towards fraudulent practices. I also suggest the FBI question former McDonald’s executive Gloria Santona, as her departure timing might be significant. My aim is to highlight the potential deception in this widely known sweepstakes and the need for thorough investigation.
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3 min read
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Urging the FBI to Investigate McDonald’s for Fraudulent Practices

In my email to the FBI, I highlight the need for a thorough investigation into McDonald’s Corporation for their fraudulent practices. I discuss the deceptive nature of their promotional strategy, specifically pointing out how their “1 chance out of 4” per attempt claim in their instant-win game misled me. This, I argue, is a clear case of mass marketing fraud driven by greed, designed to artificially boost sales. I question why McDonald’s chose not to state a straightforward “1 chance out of 8.” I emphasize the importance of upholding the law consistently, especially when it comes to large corporations, and express my concerns about the broader implications of such fraudulent practices on the integrity of financial systems. My correspondence serves as a call to action for the FBI to investigate these practices, which I believe are part of a larger pattern of criminal activity by McDonald’s Corporation and its accomplices.
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3 min read
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Exposing RICO Violations by McDonald’s to the FBI

In my email to the FBI, I detail the racketeering activity within McDonald’s Corporation, specifically in the context of the United States. I reference the explanation I provided to New York Times journalist Constant Méheut about the instant-win fraud in France for 2011, asserting its relevance to the U.S. operations of McDonald’s in 2013. I emphasize the significance of McDonald’s fraudulent claim of “one-in-four odds of winning” for their 2013 U.S. promotion, critically analyzing the calculation basis they provided and highlighting the deviation from their stated odds. This correspondence serves as a stark reminder of the serious implications of these allegations, particularly when they involve targeting children, and questions the integrity of McDonald’s practices. I express concern over the security of my personal information and communications, seeking the FBI’s attention and action in a case that I argue has deep legal and ethical ramifications.
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4 min read
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FBI: I am struggling. Please help me.

I reach out with a personal appeal to the FBI and State Department, requesting clear communication and support in a complex fraud case. Amid the turmoil of being a key witness against a formidable corporate adversary, I convey my struggle for peace and the heavy toll of ongoing stress. I emphasize my need for confidentiality in certain discussions, along with psychological support, underscoring the gravity of the situation and my earnest quest for assistance and understanding from law enforcement.
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4 min read
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Email to Adam Rogalski. Are you back Mr. Rogalski? Who is the Special Agent in Charge of the investigation?

Email to Adam Rogalski. Are you back Mr. Rogalski? Who is the Special Agent in Charge of the investigation?
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4 min read
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Email sent on 2022-12-28 to the F.B.I.

Email sent on 2022-12-28 to the F.B.I.
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2 min read
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Email sent on 2022-05-12 to the F.B.I. and CCed to the U.S. Ambassadors to France and to China

Email sent on 2022-05-12 to the F.B.I. and CCed to the U.S. Ambassadors to France, Denise BAUER, and to the U.S. Ambassador to China, Nicholas BURNS.
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4 min read
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Whistle-blower asking the F.B.I. if they received and kept the emails which were sent in 2015 and if they ever launched a criminal investigation against McDonald’s Corporation

Email sent to the F.B.I., on 2022-04-20 at 23:59 Beijing time, in which I am asking the F.B.I. if the F.B.I. ever received emails sent in 2015 and if they ever launched a criminal investigation at the time or not.
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2 min read
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Email sent to Adam ROGALSKI (State Department, FBI) and Mahonri MANJARREZ (FBI) in which I give examples of the serious frauds the transnational criminal enterprise McDonald’s Corporation and/or its affiliated companies committed.

I give to the F.B.I. 3 concrete examples of serious frauds McDonald’s Corporation and/or its affiliated companies committed. This should have been enough for the F.B.I. to initiate a criminal investigation targeting McDonald’s Corporation and/or its subsidiary companies for fraud and money laundering.
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6 min read
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Email sent to the F.B.I. about Xi Jinping (习近平), the President of the People’s Republic of China, and Li Keqiang (李克强), the Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China.

I send an email to the F.B.I. to ask them to quickly confirm to the Chinese authorities that my accusations against McDonald’s Corporation and/or it's subsidiary companies are well-founded.
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3 min read
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Email sent to Messrs. Rogalski (Assistant Legal Attaché, U.S. Department of State, F.B.I.) and Manjarrez (F.B.I.) informing them that I am now resuming my explanations.

I send an email to the F.B.I. to inform them that I am now going to resume my explanations of the aggravated frauds McDonald’s committed.
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2 min read
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Scans of my ID cards sent to the FBI, to Mr. Rogalski (Assistant Legal Attaché, U.S. Department of State, F.B.I.) and Mr. Manjarrez (F.B.I.)

Scans of my ID cards sent to the FBI, to Mr. Rogalski (Assistant Legal Attaché, U.S. Department of State, F.B.I.) and Mr. Manjarrez (F.B.I.).
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6 min read
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Email received from Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski – one of the FBI representatives in Beijing

Email received from Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski – one of the FBI representatives in Beijing.
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2 min read
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